Saturday, July 23, 2005

Galahs' highwire act

About a week ago, when the weather was cold, rainy and windy, Kurt called me over to look at 4 Galahs performing a synchronised high wire act. They were sitting in a row on the high wire, wings outspread in the rain, and with each gust of wind all four would let their bodies fall in a 360 degree twirl around the wire in unison. What gorgeous clowns!

Yesterday morning when Kurt went out to the enclosed porch, Kokola the Corella had landed on the floor. He can't get back into his cage without our help. Normally he'd walk around anxiously until someone puts him back in the cage. But yesterday, he'd snuggled right up to Leo's furry white body for protection.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Tutti's clingy

Tutti the cockatiel never wants to leave our company now. It's hard to leave the house, Tutti keeps flying to our shoulder just as we are approaching the door. And if I'm in another room, Tutti will fly there looking for me. Right now he's sitting contentedly, occasionally cheeping, on my shoulder, looking so cute. When I eat something, Tutti walks down my arm and looks meaningfully at me, like "Can I have what you're having?" Sometimes he cheeps non-stop for a long time, and I suspect he's still calling out for the absent Pepi. So sad.

He's back to cheeping his head off in the mornings when he hears the slightest movement from us upstairs. "Let me out, let me out!" he seems to scream from his cage. Once he's out, he flies upstairs to our shoulder and then to stand on the shower screen while we do our morning rituals. When I leave a room, he flies after me.

corella parties galore

Flocks of 200-300 Corellas have been partying in the area. It's quite a sight, seeing all these white birds on the grass, with a few pink Galahs like groupies amongst them. Other times it's a large flock of Galahs, with a few Corellas amongst them. It's funny to see them fly & eat together, the Galahs & Corellas, like they can't see they look different from each other. If only humans were so accomodating amongst themselves.