Sunday, August 27, 2006

Chojo the budgie talks

Here's Chojo chattering away... if you listen carefully you can hear him say "Mummy go to bed" in his imitation of Kurt's voice, and later he says "I love you", "Chojo!" "Special baby!" "Excuse me" "Who's my little baby?" "Little brat! little brat!" "What're you doing!!", "Wilson, Come here!" "Come and kiss me" "Kokola!" and more.. This is an old video (May 2003) - Chojo left us last year, God bless & keep his adorable feathered soul. He was ill & dying back in 2002, and I sat in the vet's office crying for 2 hours, unable to give the go ahead for him to be put down. So I brought him back to our new house in the countryside, and he miraculously rallied to perfect health. He lived another 2+ healthy happy years, full of cheerful vigour.


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