Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Tutti's back to his chirpy self

Tutti has recovered his happy chirpy self. He is back to cheeping loudly to greet us in the mornings (a bit more restrained than the uncontrolled cheeping of the past - maybe he's maturing)and he cheeps to greet us when we come into the room or enter the house or leave the room. He's affectionate again, and flies to the shoulder when called. When I say "head rub?" he moves from my shoulder to stand on my chest to get his favourite head rub.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Kokola's latest trick

Kokola has a new trick. When I say Angel Wings, he stretches out his beautiful white wings as wide as possible.

It's funny to watch him going through his repertoire in a shotgun method, trying to earn his cashew nut -- he waves by clenching & unclenching his foot, he does the shake-shake-shake, and does his Angel Wings simultaneously and almost loses his balance.