Sunday, August 27, 2006

Gary the Wood Duckling

Cute & fluffy little Gary came to live with us for a couple of weeks (back in Nov 2003) when our friends James & family went on holiday. Gary's a wild wood duckling James found lost and stranded on their property.

Gary was an affectionate cutie - he loved to climb up your legs, across your chest and snuggle into your neck, making gorgeous little squeaks. On the floor he ran after us wherever we went. looking like he might topple over at any moment. We always had to watch out when stepping back, as he'd always be hovering around our heels.

Chojo the budgie talks

Here's Chojo chattering away... if you listen carefully you can hear him say "Mummy go to bed" in his imitation of Kurt's voice, and later he says "I love you", "Chojo!" "Special baby!" "Excuse me" "Who's my little baby?" "Little brat! little brat!" "What're you doing!!", "Wilson, Come here!" "Come and kiss me" "Kokola!" and more.. This is an old video (May 2003) - Chojo left us last year, God bless & keep his adorable feathered soul. He was ill & dying back in 2002, and I sat in the vet's office crying for 2 hours, unable to give the go ahead for him to be put down. So I brought him back to our new house in the countryside, and he miraculously rallied to perfect health. He lived another 2+ healthy happy years, full of cheerful vigour.

Kookaburra peekaboo

Peekaboo! I had to be real sneaky to get this shot. The Kookaburras often stand on this post on our upstairs balcony near the Meditation Room, because it gives them a vantage point to check when their mouse lunch is served (by Kurt). I have a video of this one keeping vigil, looking down, left & right, surveying his domain. He didn't know I was in the Meditation room, so I had to sneakily edge around to get this pic without frightening him away.

Kookaburra waits for mouse lunch

This dignified Kookaburra is waiting for his mouse lunch, but it's unusual for him to sit on the ground. Usually they're so cautious that it takes them awhile to fly down from the tree to collect their food. We had a mouse plague a few months ago, and the Kookaburras learnt to drop by to pick up the dead trapped mice that Kurt would throw to them. At least the mice weren't wasted!

Little birdie visitors

These two little ones came to visit Kokola the Corella because they heard that Kokola generously throws his seed on the floor! They couldn't find their way out of the porch after the snack, flitting against the sides, so we gave them a helping hand. We had to catch them first to let them out. So tiny & light, and such bright eyes!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Corella Flying Party!

A huge flock of long-billed Corellas flying around then landing to enjoy the grain the farmer had laid out on the pasture for the cows. They had a noisy tea party!

Peaceful Dove

This beautiful dove came to stay with us for a few days. It had flown into a glass window, and Zina had brought it to us for recuperation. It was so quiet in its box, didn't touch his food or water, so on the third day we fed it some water with a dropper -- it gratefully swallowed every drop. It hardly made any sound, except when we picked it up and it'd coo in panic. Such a lovely, soft cooing. Otherwise it stayed quiet and calm. It seemed to be flying OK in the house, and as it hadn't eaten, we released it so it could feed itself in the wild. It didn't want to fly away at first, sitting in my hand quietly. Finally when it did fly over to the next paddock, a couple of magpies set upon it so we had to run over, yelling to frighten the magpies away. As I was climbing the fence to get to it, I looked down for a moment, and when I next looked up, it had flown away. I think of it often, praying it's safe and sound.

Pyjamas and Birds

Warm sunny day in winter, and I brought Kokola the Corella in to get warm in front of the fire and to enjoy the sunshine. Tutti the Cockatiel joined us. Here we all are, with me in my pyjamas still...