Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tutti and Pepi together again

Pepi the budgie has been brought back into the house from the porch, as the winter's arrived, and he looked cold. Tutti is happy to have Pepi around again - Tutti won't believe that he's a cockatiel, he thinks he's a budgie like Pepi.

We've had Tutti now for 15 months. I noticed a difference in his behaviour towards us after a year with us. He's a feisty thing, and values his space. He lunged & hissed when we came near, if he wasn't feeling sociable (but never bit). Recently I noticed he's stopped lunging & hissing, becoming softer and more loving. Now, having Pepi indoors with him has brought his hissy fits back. He doesn't miss us as much now that Pepi's here. He doesn't fly into the office to be with us anymore. He doesn't cheep his head off in the mornings when he hears us waking up. sob -how easily replaced we are! But one thing hasn't changed - he flies to my shoulder most times when I call, he loves kissing, and he loves his head scritches (he knows them as head rubs)... and he knows who to talk to when he's hungry!


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